Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Home-made bicycle grips

So I'm in the process of building up the Pompino frame, finally. I brought the wheels (which George very kindly built for me) back up with on Saturday and the headset is being fitted tomorrow. This means that my current "hack" bike can go back to its rightful owner...the frame was on loan from George so I will return it with some bits that I no longer need (and may also have been on loan). When I left Peacehaven on Saturday I assured George that I had all the necessary bits allowing me to swap components off of the Explosif (current stead) to make it ridabloe to bring back. I was mostly right. Only things I didn't have were brake levers (using the ones that'll go ont he Pomp but must remember to bring them back to York with me) and grips. I decided I could make the grips. Here they are...

In choosing how to make the grips and the materials required, I decided that the grips should be well cushioned and grippy. To make them well-cushioned I chose to use some packing foam, usually found around new bike parts. I cut these to about the right length.

They were then attached to the handlebars using some electrical tape, as shown...
This was later modified to include tape that held the foam to the bar internally to prevent it from twisting on the bar (turns out that didn't work very well and they do twist).

This foam was then tightly wrapped in a strip of old innertube. This innertube was held firmly in place with more electrical tape and a couple of cable ties for added security.

How do they feel? Not bad. Rode 27 miles using them the day they were constructed and my hands and wrists didn't ache at the end of the ride. They do now twist round (2 days later) which is slightly annoying but I can live with it until the end of the week.

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